CMAA National Bylaws: Membership

Section  1. Categories.

There shall be eight (8) categories of membership: Professional, Associate, Retired (Professional or Associate), Honorary (Professional or Elected), Student, Alumnus, Surviving Spouse and Faculty.

A.  Professional.

Upon proper completion of a written application, any person eligible for membership under these bylaws may be accepted for membership and classified as a Professional member.

(1)   Eligibility. A person connected with the management of clubs at the time of applying for and election to membership in the Association is eligible for Professional membership. Professional members traditionally will be associated with membership clubs in a compensated management role.

(2)   Professional members of this Association shall be entitled to hold office and take part in all business and affairs of the Association. A Professional member who becomes unemployed may continue in this category for  the  period for which dues are paid and may continue for up to one (1) additional year as prescribed under Article III, Section 3. After this period the member shall be transferred to Associate members.

B.  Associate.

A Professional member of the Association in good standing who enters into another line of business, or is still temporarily disengaged after enjoying “Continuation while Unemployed” as prescribed under Section 3 of Article III, shall automatically cease to be a Professional member and shall automatically be transferred to Associate membership. An Associate member shall be entitled to all social privileges of the Association, but shall not be entitled to vote or hold elective office. An Associate member who again becomes a club manager, shall automatically be transferred back to Professional membership.

C.  Student.

An individual who is enrolled in a hospitality or related program in an accredited college, university or school for undergraduate or graduate students is eligible to apply for student membership. Such membership does not entitle the holder to vote or hold elective office in the Association nor to transfer to any other category of membership. Students may retain membership for two years following graduation. Student members no longer enrolled at a college/university, upon attainment of a full-time assistant manager/manager position prior to two years from the date of graduation, must apply for Professional/Alumnus membership.

D.  Alumnus.

A person who was a former CMAA student member and is now connected with the management of clubs is eligible for Alumnus membership. Members may remain in this category for no longer than a period of two (2) years; Alumnus members shall be eligible to vote and hold elective office; and Alumnus members will pay half the current Professional member dues rate.

E.  Retired (Professional or Associate)

Upon notification, a Professional or Associate member who is at least sixty-five (65) years old and is no longer working full time – or is disabled and unable to work – may be transferred to Retired (Professional or Associate) membership status; a Professional or Associate member who has not attained the age of sixty-five (65) years and is no longer working full time may transfer to Retired (Professional or Associate) status if the sum of the member’s age and the number of full years of membership in the Association (at least 10) equals or exceeds seventy-five (75). Retired Professional members shall be entitled to all privileges of the Association, but may not hold office. Retired Associate members shall be entitled to all privileges of the Association, but shall not be entitled to vote or hold office.

F.  Honorary (Professional or Elected).

Upon the written request of three (3) or more members, the Board of Directors may, at its discretion, elect as an Honorary member in the Association any individual who has rendered special service of value for the promotion and advancement of the welfare of the Association. The written request shall state the nature of the services rendered and the results obtained. When Professional or Retired Professional members of the Association are so honored, they shall not lose their right to vote; but in the event an Honorary membership is conferred upon an individual who is not a club manager, or not a Professional or Retired Professional member of the Association, said Honorary member shall have no right to vote and shall hold no office.

G.  Surviving Spouse.

The spouse of a CMAA member shall become eligible for Surviving Spouse membership status upon the CMAA member’s death. Such membership shall entitle the spouse to social privileges and to receive the Association’s publications, newsletters and magazine.

H.  Faculty.

An individual who is an instructor/faculty member of hospitality or related program in an accredited college, university or school for undergraduate or graduate students is eligible to apply for faculty membership. Such membership does not entitle the holder to vote or hold elective office in the Association or to transfer to any other category of membership.

Section  2. Admission.

An applicant shall simultaneously apply for membership in both the National Association and the local chapter having jurisdiction over the area in which the applicant’s club is located.
Applications for membership shall be on a form prescribed by the Association. Following favorable action by the Chapter, the completed application and remittance for necessary entry fees, dues and assessments (as required by Article IV, Sections 1, 2 and 3) shall be forwarded to the National Association Office.

Section 3. Continuation While Unemployed.

A Professional member who is unemployed in club management on November 1, and who is actively seeking employment  in the club management profession, may be continued on the membership rolls of the Association for a period not to exceed twelve (12) months without payment of dues. During this continuation, the member will enjoy all other benefits of membership. Reinstatement from Continuation while Unemployed is without an administrative fee. This continuation ceases at the time the member is again employed  in  club management.

Section 4. Penalties for Nonpayment.

Any member who shall be in arrears for dues or assessment, or both, for a period of two (2) months from and after November 1 of any year shall be dropped from the rolls of the Association; and the Chief Executive Officer shall notify the member of this action at the last known address shown on the records of the  Association.

Section 5. Reinstatement.

Any member who has forfeited membership in accordance with Section 3 of Article III may apply for reinstatement without payment of an administrative fee by written letter to the Association Board of Directors at any time within twelve months from the date membership was forfeited.

Section 6. Transfers.

A Professional member who moves to an area over which another chapter has jurisdiction and who is in good standing in both the chapter the member is leaving and CMAA, Professional membership may be retained in CMAA for a period of one year following the year for which the dues in the chapter the member is leaving and CMAA are paid. Should such a member fail to join the chapter in whose area the member has relocated within the aforementioned period of time, the member shall be dropped from the rolls of CMAA. Said chapter shall automatically accept the transfer of said member on application properly made.

Section 7. Suspension and Expulsion.

A member may be suspended for a specific or an indefinite period of time, or may be expelled, for cause, including, but not limited to, violations of these Bylaws or of the Association’s Code of Ethics. Such suspension or expulsion shall require the vote of two-thirds of the total members of the Board of Directors following a hearing. Written notice of the time and place of the meeting of the Board of Directors at which a member’s suspension or expulsion will be considered shall be sent by registered mail at least fifteen (15) days before the hearing to the member under charge at the member’s last known address, together with a written statement of the charges against the member and notice that the member may appear at the meeting to present defenses to the charges.