Jessi Reutter, CCM

Carolinas Mentor & MID Mentor

photo of  Jessi Reutter, CCM

Phone: 913-687-3459
Email: [email protected]

"Jessi Reutter, CCM, GM/CEO of the Country Club of Landfall has over 25 years of private club experience. She has worked in both Member-owned and corporate clubs. Prior to becoming a General Manager, she served in several roles including: Membership Director, Private Event Director, Assistant General Manager and club growth positions from server to receptionist to accounting assistant and more. She and her team have successfully grown CCL’s operations to over $20M annually with 1,600 memberships and waitlists totaling over 300. CCL has executed $25+M in recent capital projects including major renovations at the Drysdale Sport Center, the Landfall Clubhouse, and the Dye Clubhouse, as well as installation of a new course irrigation system and multiple greens complex projects. Jessi is married to her husband Phil of nearly 20 years. As a team, they support each other and make decisions best for the family with a primary focus on their two children, Emma and Tristin. Phil has fulfilled the role of the stay home parent and household manager for the past decade. Emma is now a young adult growing her career and no longer in the house but visits often to enjoy family time which always includes the beaches, mountains, cards and puzzles. Tristin stays busy through high school sports, studies and work. Jessi finds it critical to achieve work life balance, that you need to schedule time to attend important family events, such as her recent trip to Tristin's Track and Field State Championship. Jessi is the current Secretary/Treasurer and previous Education Chair on the Carolinas Chapter Board. She diligently vets’ quality speakers to educate Chapter Members through every career stage. She worked with a focus group to create a Women in Club Management initiative for the Carolinas Chapter. She has previously held the following roles within the CMAA Carolinas Chapter: Career Services Chair, 2018; Student Development Chair, 2017; Region Chair, 2016; Region Vice Chair, 2015. Jessi is dedicated to mentoring colleagues that are interested in growing, giving back to ensure our industry flourish at all levels." CURRENTLY: GENERAL MANAGER / CEO, COUNTRY CLUB OF LANDFALL